Penticton Kiwanis Music Festival
1. Complete Competitor Tab
2. Complete Discipline Tab
3. View Summary & Submit
* indicates fields that are required

What you type on your entry is exactly what will show up in the program.

Pay with a credit card. You don't need a PayPal account. Simply have your credit card ready when you get to the end of the registration and continue on to PayPal. You won't need to send us the Registration Form.
Go to: Dance – Solo to Trio, Music & Speech – Solo to Quintet
Ensemble/Group Entry - Check syllabus if you are unsure which type of entry to do.   Go to Syllabus
Group Name (Name Performers Known By)
Organization (Name of School, Dance School, Church, Band, etc.)
Email *
Contact First Name *
Contact Last Name *
Contact Phone *
City * (Province not needed)
Postal Code

Disciplines You Are Entering - When you check the discipline boxes, tabs will show up at the top of the screen. Click on the tabs to complete your entries.

Comments: (Please use this section to bring other info or unique circumstances to our attention.)